a chapter of Pine Tree Quilters Guild of Maine

Show and Tell
 June 2014

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Peeka-View Wallhangings: Carmelle Garant, Liz Trouant, Sher Acheson, Anita Johnson, Leona Juranty, Paulyne Ward,
Theresa Wright, and Lynda Duplissea

Yvonne Greenlaw's "Sea Glass" quilt she made for her daughter (top photo is the front)

Briar Rose: Lynda D. and Sher
Christmas Wallhangings both by Sue Dible



Teresa Porter has been very busy knitting and crocheting hats, scarves (Anita graciously modeled
one of the scarves), an afghan (made for her 1 year old grandson) and bib

Bags: Leona's Mesh Totes (x2) and Lynda D.'s Jean Purse

Mary Ann O'Brien's "Scraps from the Past" quilt

Wanda Pollock's pillow cases

Patty Hagenaars' "YoYo" quilts she made for her granddaughters

Nancy Marshall's "Rocky Mountain Majesty" quilt

"Underground Railroad" quilt made and donated by Sue Martell as a raffle quilt to raise money for the Princeton Library

Beverly Reed's "Quilt Diva" wallhanging

Sher's "Rail Fence" quilt she is donating to Hospice and "French Roses" quilt she made for her niece

Sue D. brought in her "Therapy in Session" wallhanging given to her by her daughter